Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Giver

 What this book will be about...

According to the short summaries, this book has, I can infer it is about a perfect place that hides dirty lies. The Giver features a dystopia place that seems all perfect, with no war, fear, or pain. But, as Jonas begins to grow up, he is about to find out all the nasty secrets this place is hiding. All this information will be given to Jonas through The Giver. The Giver, I believe, is the creator of this false place and he is eager to tell someone, anyone, the truth. This someone is Jonas and he must be responsible with all this powerful information he has now. 


This book is dedicated to children. When Lois Lowry, the author, says, "For all the children to whom we entrust the future," on the dedication page, he is trying to express his trust on future generations. Lois wants kids to be interested in reading, because that is the key to success. The author wants to tell the world that, kids, are and always will be the future of this planet.

My Prediction...

This book is going to be a book full of adventure and mystery. The Giver will tell everything to Jonas, but as soon as all the truth is reveled, he will disappear forever. Shortly, after Jonas finds out the truth about the place he grew up in, he is going to tell everybody. There is a problem, no one will believe him, and so Jonas is the responsible to save the people.

Daniela Mosquera 8-E

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